Thank you for the response, Alex, I am glad to see the blog post has given you some value. You ask a great question and one that I was actually thinking of addressing at the end of the post but refrained from doing so in an attempt to keep the blog post short. If I understand what you are saying correctly, you are asking whether this ‘uncertainty’ (The cogito aside) is inherently a bad thing or a “black mark” on the state of affairs we find ourselves in, and I am not sure whether I have such a well-thought-out opinion on that front. I am not sure whether our lack of certainty has to be a good or a bad thing, it seems to simply be a descriptive fact about the universe. The aim of the post was not to paint the uncertainty around us as a “bad” thing, but more so to elucidate on Descartes’ philosophy and prevent the word “certain” from being trivialised in everyday discourse. There certainly is a lot more to unpack — Descartes made us realise that when it comes to 100% certainty, only the Cogito survives the test, but the implications of this notion (incl. the questions you raise) could deserve their own piece/post. If you have anything further to raise, drop me an email — I would love to hear it.